A close-up of a comet

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14th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics HEDLA-2024


May 20 - May 24, 2024, Tallahassee, Florida


Florida State University



We are pleased to announce the 14th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (HEDLA), to be held May 20-24, 2024, at the Hotel Duval in Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A.HEDLA is a topical conference series that started in 1996, and has run more or less every other year since then, alternating locations between the US, Europe, and Asia. The goal is to use or develop laboratory experiments to better understand HED phenomena in the universe.


During the past decade, research teams around the world have developed astrophysics-relevant research utilizing high energy-density (HED) facilities such as intense lasers and pulsed power driven magnetic pinch facilities. Research is underway in many areas, such as compressible hydrodynamic mixing; strong shock phenomena; radiation flow; radiative shocks and jets; complex opacities; equations of state; high pressure solid-state phase boundaries, phase transitions, and unique new states of matter; dust formation, acceleration, and impact dynamics; super-strong magnetic fields and magnetic reconnection; relativistic plasmas, and plasma particle acceleration.


Meeting topics

  • Laboratory experiments
  • Radiation hydrodynamics
  • Cosmic ray generation
  • Basic plasma physics processes
  • Stellar, solar, and nuclear astrophysics
  • Warm dense matter
  • Stellar explosions, supernovae, GRBs, and supernova remnants
  • Dust and magnetized HED laboratory astrophysics
  • Equations of state, phase boundaries, and phase transition kinetics, at high pressures and densities
  • Properties of planetary and exoplanet interiors, brown dwarf and white dwarf interiors
  • Hydrodynamic instabilities, mixing

and the transition to turbulence

  • Computations in high-energy density physics applications
  • Astrophysical disks, jets, and outflows



Important Dates

Registration opens on December 15, 2023
Abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2024 
Hotel reservation deadline is April 15, 2024

Conference dates May 20-24, 2024


Scientific Organizing Committee

Mandy Bethkenhagen, LULI

Maria Gatu Johnson, MIT

Dan Casey, LLNL

Marcus Knudson, SNLA

Alexis Casner, Univ. of Bordeaux

Carolyn Kuranz, Univ. of Michigan

Andrea Ciardi, Sorbonne Univ.

Ivan Oleynik, Univ. of South Florida

Gilbert (Rip) Collins, Univ. of Rochester

Hye-Sook Park, LLNL

Tilo Doeppner, LLNL

Tomasz Plewa, FSU

Forrest Doss, LANL

Bruce Remington, LLNL (chair)

Frederico Fiuza, Inst. Superior Technico

Dmitri Ryutov, LLNL

Gianluca Gregori, Oxford Univ.

Derek Schaeffer, UCLA

Natsumi Iwata, Osaka Univ.

Petros Tzeferacos, Univ. of Rochester, and LLE

Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ.

Feilu Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Local Organizing Committee and Contact Information

Cecelia Farmer


Monica Hartsfield

Department of Scientific Computing

Michael McDonald

College of Arts & Sciences

Tomasz Plewa (chair)

Florida State University

Email: tplewa@fsu.edu

Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A.







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