Next important date: Submission of papers: June 30. Please stay tuned for details.
New: The conference booklet now contains a gallery of conference photos.


We are pleased to announce the 14th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (HEDLA), to be held May 20-24, 2024, at the Hotel Duval, Autograph Collection by Marriott, in Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A.

HEDLA is a topical conference series that started in 1996, and has run more or less every other year since then, alternating locations between the US, Europe, and Asia. The goal is to use or develop laboratory experiments to better understand HED phenomena in the universe.

During the past decade, research teams around the world have developed astrophysics-relevant research utilizing high energy-density (HED) facilities such as intense lasers and pulsed power driven magnetic pinch facilities. Research is underway in many areas, such as compressible hydrodynamic mixing; strong shock phenomena; radiation flow; radiative shocks and jets; complex opacities; equations of state; high pressure solid-state phase boundaries, phase transitions, and unique new states of matter; dust formation, acceleration, and impact dynamics; super-strong magnetic fields and magnetic reconnection; relativistic plasmas, and plasma particle acceleration.

Meeting topics

  • Laboratory experiments
  • Cosmic ray generation
  • Stellar, solar, and nuclear astrophysics
  • Stellar explosions, supernovae, GRBs, and supernova remnants
  • Equations of state, phase boundaries, and phase transition kinetics, at high pressures and densities
  • Hydrodynamic instabilities, mixing and the transition to turbulence
  • Astrophysical disks, jets, and outflows
  • Radiation hydrodynamics
  • Basic plasma physics processes
  • Warm dense matter
  • Dust and magnetized HED laboratory astrophysics
  • Properties of planetary and exoplanet interiors, brown dwarf and white dwarf interiors
  • Computations in high-energy density physics applications

Important dates

  • Online registration opens on February 19.
  • Abstract submission deadline extended, now March 31.
  • Last day of registration at regular fee is April 21.
  • Hotel Duval room reservation cut-off date at a preferred rate is April 26.
  • Online registration closes on May 15.
  • Conference dates May 20-24, 2024.

Conference proceedings

    Although abstract submission does not require contributing a conference proceedings paper, all conference presenters will be invited to submit their original papers or reviews for a refereed special issue of the journal High Energy Density Physics on the topic New Developments in High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics.

Submission of manuscripts closesJune 30

Invited Speakers

Snezhana Abarzhi, Nitish Acharya, Felicie Albert, Cameron Allen, Charles Arrowsmith, Scott Baalrud, Farhat Beg, David Bishel, Riccardo Bonazza, Archie Bott, Gerrit Bruhaug, Dan Casey, David Collins, Seth Davidovits, Tilo Doeppner, Tobias Dornheim, R. Paul Drake, Mungo Frost, Shinsuke Fuzioka, Xuchen Gong, Patrick Hartigan, David Hoarty, Amy Jenei, Hantao Ji, Maria Gatu Johnson, Sugimoto Kaoru, Yong-Jae Kim, Dominik Kraus, Andy Krygier, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Carolyn Kuranz, Sergey Lebedev, Chikang Li, Hui Li, Guillaume Loisel, Mike MacDonald, Guy Malamud, Nishiuchi Mamiko, Roberto Mancini, Michelle Marshall, Ivan Oleynik, Hye-Sook Park, Jacob Pearcy, Danae Polsin, Hannah Poole, Martin Preising, Gaia Righi, Gabriel Rigon, Brandon Russell, Mateusz Ruszkowski, Ryan Rygg, Derek Schaefer, Keisuke Shigemori, Hong Sio, Michael Springstead, Terry-Ann Suer, Kaoru Sugimoto, George Swadling, Ellie Tubman, Petros Tzeferacos, Arno Vanthieghem, Sasha Velikovich, Kyla de Villa, Vincente Valenzuela Villaseca, Sam Vinko, Michael J. Wadas, June Wicks

The Scientific Organizing Committee

Mandy Bethkenhagen (LULI), Maria Gatu Johnson (MIT), Dan Casey (LLNL), Marcus Knudson (SNLA), Alexis Casner (Univ. of Bordeaux), Carolyn Kuranz (Univ. of Michigan), Andrea Ciardi (Sorbonne Univ.), Ivan Oleynik (Univ. of South Florida), Gilbert (Rip) Collins (Univ. of Rochester), Hye-Sook Park (LLNL), Tilo Doeppner (LLNL), Tomasz Plewa (FSU), Forrest Doss (LANL), Bruce Remington (LLNL) (chair), Frederico Fiuza (Inst. Superior Technico), Dmitri Ryutov (LLNL), Gianluca Gregori (Oxford Univ.) Derek Schaeffer (UCLA), Natsumi Iwata (Osaka Univ.), Petros Tzeferacos (Univ. of Rochester, and LLE), Hantao Ji (Princeton Univ.), Feilu Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

The Local Organizing Committee

Cecelia Farmer, Michael McDonald, Tomasz Plewa (chair), & Risette Posey

Conference Coordinators

Cecelia Farmer, Tomasz Plewa, & Farhana Taiyebah

Contact Information

Local Organizing Comittee HEDLA2024 Facebook

Thanks for the support!

The HEDLA2024 conference is jointly sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Division of Tourism of the Leon County, and the Florida State University.

Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University
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